
Friday, November 7, 2014

Everyday Tank Blog Tour - Hooded Fur Vest Tutorial

Today I get to show you a fun way to use a very versatile pattern from Serger Pepper - the Everyday Tank!  The pattern tour is going on right now and is full of great ideas.

The pattern itself includes directions on how to make a tank top, tank dress, or maxi dress.  The pattern is constructed with a back, front, and side panel pieces, which allows different fabrics to be mixed together to get a unique look. When I first tried out the pattern I sewed up a tank, which I'll show tomorrow.  But then I realized the pattern would be perfect for some vests I had been planning to make the girls for fall!

The vest are made with super soft swirly faux fur from JoAnn Fabrics.  Best part - they are reversible!  The purple one I made extra warm with a purple fleece lining.  There are no closures to the vest because she didn't want any.  She must feel super hip in it, because every pic I got from her in it was like this...

The other vest for her sis is lined with quilting cotton and has snap closures down the front.  I love the rainbow print she picked.

So...want to make one too?

Here's a quick tutorial on how to sew it up using the Everyday Tank pattern.  It's a little different to construct than other vests because it's cut out as one outer piece and one lining piece - no side seams (see here for the usual way to sew a vest up with side seams, plus some tips for sewing with fur).

Start out first by lining up the pattern pieces side by side on the fabric fold.  First the back piece, then the middle, then the front.  Do not overlap them.  Cut out the pattern piece like below (see pink line) with a 1/2" seam allowance on the front line and the necklines, but not in the armholes.  This allows for some ease there.  BTW, if using a thick fur or thick fleece lining, place the back piece from the fold a 1/2" to get some extra wiggle room in the vest.

 Now you'll have one solid piece that looks like this:

Cut it out for the lining also, along with the hood pieces.  I got my hood pattern piece from the Hangout Hoodie pattern.  If you don't have a pattern, cut out two pieces about 9"x 13", then trim one corner on a curve to fit the head.

Now to assemble:
  1. Sew the back seam of the hood pattern pieces with fabric right sides together (RST) leaving the neck and face openings alone.
  2. Sew the shoulder seams of the vest pieces RST.  You now have a two vests.
  3. Sew the fur hood neckline along the neckline of the fur vest. (fabric RST)  Do the same for the lining hood and vest.
  4. Place the lining vest RST to the fur vest.  Sew them together along along the front openings, from one corner to the next, including the hood.  
  5. This is where is gets tricky, stay with me.  Pull the lining back out of the fur.
  6. Match one fur arm hole to it's matching lining arm hole.  Do this by pinching each arm hole at the shoulder seams, then slowly matching and pining them RST.
  7. When you're finished pinning, it should look like this.  (It kinda reminds me of a Chinese finger trap.)  Sew around the circle.  Repeat for the other side.
  8. Turn the vest right side out and you'll have this.

Last but not least, turn the vest inside out again.  Then sew the bottom together, leaving an opening in the middle big enough to get your hand in to turn it right side out again.  Hand stitch the opening closed.

For the rainbow vest, I overlapped the front and added white snaps to finish it off.

These goof balls want to let you know that there is a coupon code BLOGTOUR40 (for 40% off, expiring on Sunday, November 9th). It works for both the Serger Pepper shop ( and Etsy shop (

There's also a giveaway going on during the tour - make sure to enter!  If you decide to buy the pattern during the tour using the coupon code BLOGTOUR40 and win the pattern, you'll have the choice between having another pattern by Serger Pepper now or a $10 coupon code for a future purchase (expiring by the end of the next year 2015).
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also don't forget to check out the other versions of the Everyday Tank~

Monday, 3rd

Veronica @ Sew Very†- Karly @ Paisley Roots†-

Tuesday, 4th

Scary/Al @ Shaffer Sisters†- Amy @ Sews N Bows†- Melissa @ Rebel and Malice
Deanna @ Sew Mc Cool†- Lisa @ Cucicucicoo
Wednesday, 5th
Terra @ Mama Says Sew††- Nichole @ Bluebird and the Boy†- Ajaire @ Call Ajaire
Sara @ Made By Sara†- Annemieke @ Sofilantjes

Thursday, 6th

Bethany @ Two Novembers†- Joy @ xoxo Grandma†- Courtney @ Sweeter Than Cupcakes

Friday, 7th

Becka @ Probably Crafting††- Nienke @ Pienkel†- Renee @ Two Many
Shelly @ Coral and Co.†- Michelle @ Falafel and the Bee

Saturday, 8th

- Bethany @ Wildflower Child Create†- Jennifer @ Diary of a MadMama†- Sabra @ Sew a Straight Line
Daniela @ On The Cutting Floor†- Suzanne @ Winter Wonderings

Sunday, 9th

Magda @ House of Estrela†- Shino @ Nutta†- Jonie @ Knot Sew Normal - Kara @ Sweeter Than It Seams


  1. Thanks Renee for sharing your awesome vests... great way to flip the pattern!
    It's been awesome working with you!

  2. These turned out great!! Maybe one day I'll be bold enough to try it; I like the idea of a hooded vest w/o closures!
